Funny and simple circuit simulator Circuit Simulator Applet (
By following this video toturial it is posible to have a dark theme. The video use a theme from github made by Jeff Thompson
Viasulisation in JavaScript, lot of nice and interesting graphs at
Today I have recived my micro:bit computer. A small single board computer made for education by BBC. micro:bit homepage where you also find the browser based programming software.
Vej og områdekort, Den Offentlige Informationsserver, Styrelsen for dataforsyning og effektivisering (det bedste til at se hvem der ejer jorden) : Plandata (Erhvervsstyrelsen, her kan du se zonekort): Droneluftrum, et sted du altid skal kikke: Dette kort har markeret afstande fra veje og beboelse og lavet et kort:
DroneDeploy at a program where you can make an 3D model based on your DJI drone flight.
At you find an Arduino version where you can produce a mobile app in the same programming enviroment as you program Arduino. They also produce an version you can programme in block programming langue so you don’t need any advance programming skils.
Fantastic video explaining Diffie-Hallman key exchange alogrithm used in asymetric gyptography in a simple way. Thanks to Khan academy for yet another lessions. This video explain the RSA algorithme And her you find an example where the Euler Totient function is calculated in an other way For sysetric encryption I find this video wery good
Here i list the help pages for the syntax or functionality in c# I have problems to remember, topic I have to google again and again. String formater, Standard Numeric Format Strings Lambda expressions, the “( x => (int)x * (int)x, number)” principle