DroneDeploy at https://www.dronedeploy.com/is a program where you can make an 3D model based on your DJI drone flight.
http://fotoworkshop.dk/ Har mange workshop https://www.fotoskolen.fata.dk/ https://fotokurser.dk/ http://www.hdrfoto.dk/kursus.htm https://school.nikon.se/da_DK/courses https://www.fotomalia.dk/workshops-og-foredrag/ Fotostudio http://studiego.dk/
I have found this webiste, where you can get a very good understanding af depth of field in an interactively way. On this site you can calculates the camera depth of field and background blur and visually simulates it on a photo together with different types of lens blur (bokeh) for any lens, camera and distance combination. http://dofsimulator.net/
It is a challenge to take good and appetizing pictures of food. I find Michael Rays website very interesting with a lot of good advice and ideas. I tried his advise in this article http://foodportfolio.com/two-biggest-food-photography-lighting-mistakes/ and got this result – In my opinion not bad in 10 minute and without any post processing 🙂 My fresh bread rolls My…
Most or all mine DSLR camera put in shutter count in picture data. On those site you can eg. get the shutter count https://www.camerashuttercount.com/ here you only get the shutter count. http://shuttercounter.com/ here you get a lot of information from picture info
Nikon serial number database http://www.photosynthesis.co.nz/nikon/camera.html, look up to see where your camera or lens where intent to be sold